Don’t miss these key group meetings and engagements!
Recurring Groups
Celiac Disease & T1d Night.
Here, we provide a communal setting for families to come together and share tips for success, taste gluten-free products and learn helpful information. A dietician leads the class.
T1d Family Events.
Enjoy many events that give you and your family to meet new friends who share similar highs and lows. Create community and support with others living with Type 1 diabetes.
Latino Outreach.
These classes are for Spanish-speaking families and are offered monthly. Para classes in Español, llame a Reyna Gamboa Perez 714-509-4204
Teen Events.
Designed for youth ages 13-18, these engagements give teens the chance to interact with their peers from surrounding areas in a fun, safe environment. The activities are a great way for teens with diabetes to meet others who share their condition and experience the same kinds of day-to-day challenges and successes. Some past events include Surfing With Diabetes, Sea World, Disneyland, Knott’s Scary Farm, Universal Studios and Escape Rooms.
Youth Events.
Created for children and parents, these activities enable youth to interact with their peers from surrounding areas in a fun, safe environment. The programs are positive, impactful, and allow children to make friends with others who have the condition and experience the same kinds of day-to-day diabetes related challenges and successes.
Youth Leaders
This program was created to empower children with Type 1 diabetes by giving them the opportunity to represent the PADRE Foundation, to provide diabetes education to the community and to raise diabetes awareness. Our Youth Leaders accept the responsibility to represent PADRE in public settings and help steward out mission. This program also offers social opportunities to all members in order to promote friendships and support of each other. It also provides teens with the opportunity for community service hours. This is a small group of teens age 13-18 who are dedicated to the PADRE Foundation and supporting the events the organization provides.